Introduction to the Templates:



The System has two parts:


The Server is where the banks’ details are. It is here that the processing happens


The Client is where the GUI is and where you make requests.


Obviously the two parts have to communicate.


I will briefly take you through both parts.


(1)    The Server


  My first design was this:  The Server needs to get and give details to a Bank  A Bank has to know about (perhaps among other things)  several accounts.  The Server also needs to be able to communicate to the client.  This led to the following classes:  ATMServer (the general controller) , Bank (which is a description of what a bank needs to know:in my case it was an array of Accounts),  Account (this is a description of what an account has to know, such as its balance, and how to make deposits) , ConnectionServer (this is 


However, in the interest of making as simple a system as possible, I have altered the system so that there is only one account, which is defined in the ATMServer class. Bear in mind that this is a simplification.


So we have the following classes:




 Connection Server


 ATM Server



(2)    The Client



The Client needs to have a user interfaces with buttons to send messages and a textfield to read messages from the Server. So there arereally two typesof objects:  A Gui and a Connector. It is customary in this kind of application to make the GUI class the main class (the controlling one with the main method). 

 Therefore we only need two classes :   ClientFrame (the one with the GUI),  and ClientConnection (to control the connection). 



The classes are:


Client Connection



Client Frame




What you have to do:


(1)    Draw class diagrams for the system


(2)    Fill in the missing lines of code


(3)    Write a page or so explaining how the system works, writing a paragraph about each class.